Auction Rules

In General
- CCAWA makes no claims as to the ownership, authenticity or operating condition of any goods put up for sale. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET.
- You must be registered for this CCAWA annual conference in order to participate as a buyer or seller.
- It is our intention to have volunteers on duty at all times that the auction preview room is unlocked. However; the hotel or the organizers of this conference will not be held liable for theft, loss or damages to property consigned for this auction.
- The Friday afternoon auction will be limited to 250 total.
- We hope to have the auction room open from 2-5 pm on Friday so items can be entered until the auction cutoff time of 5 pm.
- The Auction is scheduled to start at 7 pm Thursday for special auction & 7 pm Friday evening for the regular auction.
- CCAWA charges the seller a 10% commission to help to defray costs of this conference. There is no buyer premium.
How to Consign An Item For Auction
- Each attendee may consign up to 10 lots brought to check-in on Friday after 2pm that, in the opinion of the auction staff, each lot will sell for $35 or more.
- Write the minimum bid on the white copy only.
- The auction committee reserves the right to refuse any lots for auction.
- Your item (or box lot) must have a reasonable expectation of bringing a closing bid greater than $35 in order to consign to this auction. Note: We have a $35 Minimum.
- Auction cards will not given out until the auction staff has been given the chance to see your auction items.
- Write the minimum bid on the white copy only.
- Fill out the card and keep the bottom PINK sheet for yourself as proof of ownership should the item not make a minimum bid that you may elect to place on the item.
- We have drafting tape available for you to stick the YELLOW sheet to your item. If that does not work, we have string tags that you can staple to the YELLOW sheet so that the sheet will hang from the item.
- Give the top WHITE sheet(s) to the volunteer that places your items into the auction preview area. They will check to see that the form is filled out correctly.
Important Payment Information
- The CC-AWA is not able to accept any payment via any form of credit card, debit card or other electronic transaction. It is at the sole discretion of the auction cashier whether to accept payment in any form other than cash in US dollars.
If you are not known by the cashier and wish to make payment by check or travelers checks, you must notify us in advance and receive acknowledgment that the cashier will accept your payment method.